The Evolution Series

by Nancy Mitchell

Author of New Age Fiction

The Evolution Series follows Lucas and Sylvia Martin who have settled in Mt. Shasta, California, to seek respite from their chaotic lives in the Bay Area. Their healing begins after their autistic son Bobby meets Maya, a woman who lives in Telos, the fifth-dimensional city located deep in the heart of Mt. Shasta. Maya’s students eventually include Anna, the Martins’ adopted daughter, Sean, her unborn son, and Sylvia, whose career as a nurse will be forever changed.

Evolution: The Series

#1 EVOLUTION: JOURNEY (available now in paperback & digital)

#2 EVOLUTION: DISCOVERY (e-book available now, paperback on January 16th)





Evolution: Journey

Fleeing a spreading virus, Lucas Martin drives north from the Bay Area, planning to work in a healthier part of the country. Settling in Mt. Shasta, California, he and his wife Sylvia and autistic son Bobby seek a calming influence to heal their chaotic lives. They find it with Maya, a new resident of Telos, the fifth-dimensional city deep in the heart of Mt. Shasta. Maya’s goal is to learn about the third-dimensional citizens of Earth and help them heal. With her friend and mentor Joel, she travels the crystalline grid of Earth to experience humanity’s sacred spots.

When spirituality meets reality, the result is evolution. Both Maya and the Martin family begin their journeys to understand consciousnesses and discover the secrets of the universe. In doing so, their abilities and enthusiasm entangle the lives of other people—friends such as businesswoman Peggy Yates, a newly-adopted daughter Anna, and a very special grandson Sean who will challenge the definition of reality.

Lucas and Sylvia thought their journey to peace had ended. Little did they know it was only beginning.

Evolution: Journey by Nancy Mitchell

Also available at:
Banter Bookshop
3768 Capitol Avenue Suite F
Fremont, CA 94538

Evolution: Discovery

Rising sea levels and political unrest are keeping Maya busy. The flooding of land along the Gulf Coast due to hurricanes has increased migration to other states. Sylvia’s massage/healing practice has grown, and the Martin family has started construction of an underground house. Totally unforeseen is three-year-old Sean’s discovery of how to combine and separate matter. Many family eyes are watching this new development in human consciousness.

Maya has not only been taught about the grids of Earth, she and her friend Joel travel to the planets of the Pleiades to further their growth in consciousness. Back in California, the Martins have to keep an eye on Sean, knowing the young boy could get into trouble with his new talent. Fortunately, his efforts were channeled into surgery on injured animals, those taken in by a local teenage girl.

As Sean increases his skill in repairing broken animal bodies, he discovers he’s quite good at repairing human bodies also. The only drawback to a growing medical career—he’s only three years old.

Evolution: Discovery, by Nancy Mitchell

Readers’ Favorite Review

Evolution: Journey by Nancy Mitchell is an urban fantasy novel with a strong plot and even stronger characters. The story follows the trials and tribulations of Lucas and Sylvia Martin as they learn to survive in Mt. Shasta, California. Relocating from the Bay Area, the family was ready to live in a healthier part of the country and away from a dangerous virus that was spreading rapidly. Their lives changed forever when their autistic son Bobby befriended Maya, a woman from a 5th-dimensional city called Telos. Maya was tasked with helping humans, eventually becoming one of them. Spending time with the Martins gave Maya a chance to reflect on what it truly meant to be human and what it meant to be on Earth.

Evolution: Journey is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and self-reflection. The Martin family battled to find their place in society while they tried hard to stay afloat amid the chaos. Their stories were intricate and intimate, and I was immersed in Bobby’s tale and his struggles. He blossomed with Maya and they helped each other. Anna’s story was very different, yet it fitted perfectly with the rest of the Martins. Nancy Mitchell did a fantastic job of developing these characters to perfection. The details are enough to keep readers riveted to the book, the pace was fast, the issues of the characters are realistic, and the story is extraordinary. I enjoyed it immensely.

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